How To Engage Visitors With Your Content

Writing great content is the key to have your website/blog stand out and attract readers. Content is the most important.. without it, your website is just a template.

Many bloggers and webmasters try to get away with writing sub-par content. This content might be hastily written ramblings stuffed with keywords just to provide some kind of meat to a website and make it attractive to the search engines. Often, software s been used to “spin” existing content to make it unique. Usually these articles are confusing and unreadable to an actual human visitor.

Many webmasters try to outsource their content as cheap as possible, while this works okay in some cases, most of time you get what you pay for.

If your website/blog exists solely for backlink juice, this might be all right (for now!). But if your goal is to attract and engage an active readership you must be willing to put in time and effort to produce great, interesting content.

Here are some basic tips and tricks for doing just that!

  • Find out the hot topics and talk about them. Try to find an ‘angle’ that other writers have not covered and be the first to provide information / opinions on it.
  • Be controversial. Voice an opinion that arouses intrigue and fiery debate. Ask provocative questions and encourage your readers to comment their thoughts and opinions. For example: “Marketers who promote CPA are just glorified spammers! Can CPA and ‘ethics’ be mentioned in the same sentence?” You’ll find that you’ll get a lot of responses and your post may even be featured on forums or other areas where you’ll get tons of traffic.
  • Always provide many line breaks in your writing. This will make your blog post easily digestible. Huge blocks of text are difficult to read and readers will have the natural inclination to overlook the content and click off the page to find something easier to read.
  • Content doesn’t always have be in written format. Spice up your blog with occasional photographs, videos, and pod-casts.
  • Read lots of blogs in both your niche and others. Find out what makes the popular blogs so interesting and fun to read, and apply your findings to your own blog.
  • Don’t be self-conscious about your writing! So many people have extremely low confidence in their own ability to write. Don’t even think about it. Sure, you might not be the next Shakespeare, but if you write from the heart and genuinely commit to providing your readers with useful information, you’ll do a great job.

That’s it for now. Start using these tips today to provide great content and attract tons of readers!