Google AdWords Tips to create Ad

Google AdWords is an ad serving platform that rates your ads and campaigns using a branded algorithm. Below are several AdWords tips to avoid a penalty when your ads are manually reviewed.

Offensive Language
Regardless of the form of advertising your business uses, you always require to capture attention. You wish to stand out, draw interest and be remembered. It isn’t surprising that several advertisers will try to use a shock factor by inserting offensive language into an ad to draw interest.
The Google algorithm might not understand the nuances or hidden meanings of some words, but offensive language is easily identified and flagged with a penalty in a manual review.

Copyright And Trademark Restrictions
Google has been flooded with lawsuits in recent years because of advertisers using trademarks or copyrighted terms in their advertisements without permission. There are strict guidelines in place, and you’ll receive a warning at the ad creation level if your ad contains a copyrighted trademark.

Special Offers
If your ad expresses a “special offer” you require to take the customer directly to that offer. It will pass the algorithm test most of the time, but a manual review will expect you to deliver on the promise your ad makes. If you advertise a special discount, your landing page requires to prominently display that discount.

Display URL
Google’s primary concern is the search user. When they click on your ad they expect to land on the displayed URL. In past years, advertisers have taken advantage of the AdWords platform by “redirecting” browsers to a different URL. They’d show the search user one URL, then take them to a different website after the ad has been clicked.
To curb the abuse, and ensure a quality experience for search users Google now needs the display URL to precisely reflect the end destination URL. If you tell a search user you’re taking them to a specific domain, that’s where you’ve to take them.