Although Twitter as a social network in Sri Lanka that does not take over the leadership position, the Sri Lankan president even answer questions on a Twitter Q&A session recently, which shows the micro-blogging service is steadily gaining in importance.
But how to create small and medium-sized enterprises to use their twitter account and so expand their reach?
Today we have 5 tips for your Twitter account:
1 Use Twitter as a way to communicate with and most importantly you need to follow other twitterers – appropriate to your specific interests.
2 Use short URL or URL-less. On Twitter you have 140 characters are available to convey your message to your followers. Do not give unnecessary characters by posting long URLs.
3 Twitter is not PR spin. Provide your followers quality content that adds value so others may Retweet.
4 Also on twitter you should always be careful what you published about you and your compnay. So be friendly, courteous and above all be genuine.
5 Tweet topics relevant and current as possible.
Twitter is a great channel in a balanced marketing mix to give more attention to your company. Have fun and good luck!